Rachel Bouserhal

Lab Director


Rachel completed her BS and MS in Electrical Engineering at Michigan State University, where she was heavily involved with Audio Enthusiasts and Engineers, a student group that builds and designs audio-related projects. Following her passion for audio and signal processing, she moved to Montréal in 2012 where she completed her PhD at ÉTS in 2016. Her PhD focused mainly on speech signal processing and communication enhancement for intra-aural technologies. During her postdoc she became interested in exploring other signals captured from inside the ear which has laid the foundation for her current and future projects. Her work on in-ear speech enhancement is a granted patent in the US and has received several awards including ÉTS’s “Most Promising Invention Award” and the Mitacs NRC-IRAP “Award for commercialization” in 2018, as well as the Québec Science “Invention of the Year Award” in 2019. She has been awarded several grants including, the NSERC Discovery Grant in 2021, Mitacs Elevate postdoctoral grant in 2016, and the Erasmus Mundus Auditory Cognitive Network Grant in 2014. Her research interests are signal processing, speech, hearing, machine learning, health monitoring, nonlinear control, and engineering education.